KYLA (pronounced, “shoola”) means “chill” in the native tongue of our Swedish relatives which is why it’s the perfect name for our second vintage of Petillant Naturel. Petillant Na-turel, often called “Pet Nat,” is an ancient way of making sparkling wine which involves allowing the wine to complete primary fermentation in the bottle to create carbonation. On the contrary, Champagne is carbonated by a second fermentation, after a period of aging the still wine in bottle. Pet Nat therefore is unaged, largely unfined, and generally has larger bubbles than it’s Method Champenoise counterparts.
Due to the nature of the process of Pet Nat, this wine needs to be bottled before completing primary fermentation, which means it was hand bottled during harvest. We used estate Tempranillo for this Rose Pet Nat. It was hand harvested in August and pressed immediately. After fermenting to the desired brix level, it was hand bottled in September and laid down to “rest” and complete fermentation until it’s release in June of 2021. As we cannot control the fermentation once it is bottled, you should expect some variation between bottles. Use care when opening!